Welcome to EarnMore

Welcome to the EarnMore.co.za Blog

By hook or by crook or by searching the Internet, you have found my website/blog on ‘how to make money online‘. With any luck and with a lot of effort on my side, I am hoping you found this Welcome Message / Post by searching Google and/or one of the other Search Engines. If so; it proves that my Search Engine Optimisation techniques are working… If you found this post by any other means, please feel free to share this with me below (comments section).

Essentially this website/blog has been developed as a means to help you study how to earn more money.

You should read this Blog if…

  1. You want to learn how to earn money online
  2. You want to build a Website
  3. You need traffic for your website
  4. and a whole lot more

EarnMore.co.za has been setup to share information primarily about making money online, however, to do this, one needs to have a weath of knowledge to succeed. I have spent 3-years researching and testing methods to earn money online and to this day, I am still learning and improving my skills… Read more about me here!

The How to earn more tutorials to be presented on this website include those topics listed below:

  1. Using WordPress
  2. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
  3. Creating Digital Products
  4. Affiliate Marketing
  5. Network Marketing
  6. Selling Physical Products
  7. Online Auctioning
  8. Online Forex Trading
  9. Selling Advertising Space
  10. Flipping Websites
  11. and a whole bunch more…

Again, welcome to my website and I trust that you will enjoy using EarnMore.co.za

Please feel free to comment below (all posts are moderated prior to them appearing on the page)

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  1. Not hook, or crook, but your site ranks high on Google’s SERPs for make money online, so congratulations. I’m also doing the same, and the methode that I’ve chosen is affiliate marketing.

    If you’re interested, come and visit my site for a program that pays more than $500 a sale. We could partner up on it 🙂

      • Duane
      • 01/07/2012

      @Haroun Kola
      Thanks for the Congrats. This site has been blessed with good SERP’s, but considerable effort was made with ‘on-page’ SEO.
      Good luck with your online ventures, which I see is more in line with commodity trading online.

  2. Thanks @Duane. Yes, this product is in commodity trading but I’m really just a geek too, and also going for SERP results for different affiliate programs!

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