WordPress Security Hero

Secure your WordPress Website

wp-security-heroWordPress Security Hero is a new WordPress plugin (as of 6th April 2015) that can be used to improve your website’s security.  It offers protection on three major levels, being; Malware, Security and Backup/Restore ability. WP Security Hero was launched yesterday and if you read this before midnight 8th April 2015 you can still get it at the pre-launch price of approximately $17-$18. If you miss the pre-launch, I’m afraid you will pay in the region of $97.

I’m not going to go into the very technical aspects of it, as time is short and I need to get this post out there, so YOU can get access to this amazing tool before the pre-launch ends. From a non-techie point of view it does the following:

  1. Daily Automated backups – Created backup files which are saved to your Hosting Account.
    (If you use Shared-Hosting you will have to download these backup files later)
  2. Malware Scanner – finds and safely fixes ‘malware’.
  3. One-Click setup of 5x important security measures.
  4. Easy non-techie backup restore process.

WP Security Pro

This is a JVZOO product in pre-launch from a very reliable vendor. I haven’t tested the plugin myself but will probably buy the Whitelabel rights offered in one of the upsells. For now, the product is priced at $17 on a dime-sale, meaning the price goes up with every sale (last I checked, it was at $17.96).

The plugin has the ability to do WordPress Migrations from one domain to another (including localhost), but this is sold as an after purchase upsell or OTO (one-time-offer) for $47. A second upsell (OTO-2) is Whitelabel rights for the plugin, which is an awesome offer, even at $197 – You get to own the plugin as your own product!

Check it out at: http://tinyurl.com/lgs8hd7

Why I’m promoting this product: Quite simply because there isn’t another plugin out there that offers all these basic security and backup essentials at this ridiculously low price. Furthermore, this is a one-time price and not a monthly recurring fee, like most other solutions. Backup Buddy, is probably the most well known of all the backup & restore tools, but this only offers Backup and restore functionality. It doesn’t offer Malware Scanning & repair, nor does it offer Security Config options. See image below…

See how WP Security Hero compares with Backup Buddy

Get WP Security Pro – Click Here!

UPDATE: The launch period for WP Security Pro is over; this plugin now sells for a recurring fee of $97 per year. A monthly payment option is also available. Do I still recommend it? YES

Disclaimer: People, I am a JVZOO affiliate and I will get commission from the seller for recommending this product, if you buy via my link. I do not believe in bribing you with xxx amount of dollars worth of crappy PLR products as a bonus. If you want a simple and cheap solution to your WordPress Security woes, WP Security Hero is it…

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