Increase your Web Traffic

Get more web traffic by giving Google what they want

Get more web traffic with SEOOne thing that has remained consistent in all the time that I have been an Internet Marketer is Web Traffic. Without it, your business is dead. That being said; to be a success online you need to increase your web traffic.

And, to learn how, I am going to introduce you to an SEO Training Product called SEO Enigma Reloaded. This SEO Training course only launches on June 30th, but if you sign-up before the launch you get access to some great FREE pre-launch training:


Before I tell you more about SEO Enigma Reloaded, I want you to know; I purchased a copy of this course.  I contacted the product owners and arranged to get a pre-launch copy of this SEO Training Course. I am recommending this product because I have been through it and feel my readers could benefit from it. Many of my followers/subscribers are battling to increasing their web traffic and here is a product that can teach SEO Newbies how to improve their website rankings and traffic.

I taught myself SEO, back in 2009 and while most of my websites still rank relatively well in Google using these old techniques; I too needed to do an SEO Refresher Course and believe it or not, but I purchased 3x different courses to help me update my SEO skills with the latest SEO Techniques.

I recommend SEO Engima Reloaded;

  • for anyone wanting to learn SEO from the ground up
  • for anyone, like myself, who needs to improve their SEO Skillset
  • for anyone who want to optimise their WordPress Websites for SEO
  • for anyone who wants to learn how to use Social Media to build web traffic

If you are already well seasoned in SEO, or an SEO professional, the base product (front-end product) may not be of benefit to you, but you might still be able to learn a thing or two from one of the upgrade offers, that comprises a SEO Master Class & Elite Coaching (more on the sales funnel below).

About SEO Enigma Reloaded

The SEO Enigma Reloaded front-end is a no holds barred 200+ page PDF with extensive video training containing cutting edge SEO strategies. This provides awesome value for the beginner allowing you to go from SEO Newbie to SEO expert.

The product has been updated for 2014 to reflect the ongoing changes in the world of SEO and includes 3 new modules (This is the re-launch of; SEO Enigma, which was a JVZOO Best Seller previously)

SEO Enigma Reloaded is a comprehensive, fully fledged SEO education, aimed at delivering masses of long term targeted organic traffic. Backed up with supporting screenshots and images, the PDF is an SEO Bible for those looking to learn the secrets of driving targeted web traffic.

It covers every important aspect of SEO and is complimented with action guides on ‘how to create lead generating websites‘. The PDF and video course is split into 10 modules as follows:

  1. Introduction **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  2. Keywords and Competition Research **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  3. Structuring Your Site To Dominate The Search Engines **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  4. Utilising WordPress To Gain An Unfair Advantage **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  5. Onsite & Offsite Optimisation **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  6. Social Signals (powerful stuff) **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  7. Google After Penguin **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  8. Mobile SEO (an untouched playground) **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  9. Google Places and Local SEO **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  10. Testing, Tracking & Analytics **Checked & Verified 2014 Friendly**
  11. **New Module** – Google Updates and How To Beat Them
  12. **New Module** – Creating Quality Content
  13. **New Module** – Link-building for 2014 and beyond
  14. And Much Much More…


The SEO Enigma Reloaded Offer (Sales Funnel)

  • Main SEO Course @ $27-$37 (dimesale)
    – Comprising the PDF and Video Training mentioned above
  • Downsell #1 – Main Product downsell @ $9.95
    – All the PDF Manuals for main product only (no video)
  • Upsell #1 – Ranking Case Study @ $27
    –  3 video case study, demonstrating how to rank for a keyword on Google in approx. 48hrs
  • Upsell #2 – Group Coaching & Masterclasses @ $47 Monthly (or $197 Lifetime)
    – delivered via a VIP Skype, Facebook Group offering ongoing SEO Training
  • Downsell #2 – 7-day Masterclass Trial @ $1 (then $47 Monthly)

My Conclusion: Based on what my readers/followers ask me about increasing web traffic, I would recommend SEO Enigma Reloaded. What you will learn from the main product alone should help you increase your websites traffic over time. If you do your Search Engine Optimisation correctly, using the methods taught, this will help drive traffic for years to come.

If money is tight; sign-up to get the FREE Pre-launch Training in the mean time.
at launch consider buying the $9.95 downsell #1 offer (the PDF Manual).


Remember, once you have the knowledge, nobody can take it away from you…

Note: This page contains affiliate links for which I earn commission!

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